Birds by Kevin Henkes
I love this book and the children do also. After reading this story, we talked about our favorite page. There were many favorites and we almost mentioned every page in our revisit to the book. It was fun and we are all welcoming
Spring in First Grade. After reading the book, we wrote about birds. See below a writing activity to use with this book. We used our mini offices to practice our quiet writing behaviors.
If birds made marks with their tail feathers when they flew, think what the sky would look like.
Each page you turn is a wonderful surprise! It is a quick read and a wonderful springboard for writing.
I made a mini book for children to write about birds. It is a short 4-sequence picture book with space below for writing. Encourage the children to do a picture walk and then write to tell the story. The pictures are from teacher resources. Two pages to copy : one -one-side page and one two-sides page. Copy and assemble.
You may grab this writing activity
Inside the mini office a bird word bank was posted. (see mini office post in archives) These words were also displayed on the pocket chart. We talked about ways to write plurals ...i.e. bird, birds, baby, babies, egg, eggs, branch, branches, fly, flies, and flying, sing, sings, singing.
You can grab the vocabulary words
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