Santa's Elves | TEACH WORK ETHIC | Teaching Resources for Christmas

Christmas Teaching Resources
Santa's Elves | Work Ethic
These academic practice pages will teach the importance of a good work ethic with a Christmas  theme.  These seventeen pages give practice and review for literacy.  You will build a vocabulary around the keywords 'work ethic'. 

 Children smile when thinking about the hard work all the elves do to help Santa.  These pages help motivate excited children about this joyous holiday.  It provides an opportunity to teach giving to others, helping others and  that work is a virtue.  Work enables the person to carry out a purposeful activity that provides an inner purpose, and helps the person integrate his mind, body and soul.  

Work is important and meaningful. 

Keywords for this lesson:  

dedication, discipline, cooperation, productivity,

 integrity and reliability.  

Parent | Teacher Conferences | Forms and Handouts | Reporting Student Progress

teacher parent conference, teaching resources
Teacher -Parent Conference Forms and Handouts

Everything You Need for Your Parent Conferences! 

Parent Conference Forms to take notes at your parent-teacher conference, reminder notes to send home, 3 handouts to give out at your conference. 

Easy PRINTABLES and they are in both color and black & white. Separate EDITABLE file too so you can edit the text on the conference forms if you wish. Simply click on red text and type in your own specific information. 

Pages Include:

  • Parent Conference form for Fall
  • Parent Conference form for Winter
  • Parent Conference form for Spring
  • Parent Conference form for Anytime
  • Parent Conference Reminder Notes to send home
  • Editable file of All the forms

3 Handouts for Your Parents

  • How Can I Help My Child Be Successful at School?
  • How Can I Help My Child Read?
  • How Can I Help My Child Write?

Also included are 2 signs to put on your door at conference time. Signs read:

"Please KNOCK if it is your scheduled time to help us keep on schedule" 

and of course, I added art and color to the signs.