Back to School Teaching Resources
2 Back-to-School Teacher Resources to find NOW
... that you can use all year long!
#1 Editable Teacher Binder with Important Forms, Calendars and Letter Templates

Everything, Everything Teacher Binder includes:
•monthly calendars
50 cover designs to choose from

Everything, Everything Teacher Binder
•6 templates for weekly lesson plans to build your binder
•important forms to use the whole school year
Forms for Important Information
•important forms to use the whole school year
everything will be right where you can find it
easy templates for you to use
back-to-school letter templates
everything will be right where you can find it
easy templates for you to use
back-to-school letter templates
Your ‘Everything, Everything’ Teacher Binder Includes Everything!!
When you purchase this teacher binder, you will get FREE updates for LIFE!!!
This teacher binder is currently dated through August 2020. As I add new forms and update the calendars, you will be notified so you can access the update and new pages for FREE! Your editable teacher binder can be used this year but also year-after-year without ever purchasing a new one!
Your teacher binder will be fun to build as you have many covers, colors and designs to choose from... you can even change them whenever you 'd like!
Brighten Your Day! Save Time! Get Organized! Stunning clip art!
200 essential pages to keep your school year running smoothly!
Your Editable Teacher Binder includes:
- Covers and Dividers for your teacher binder – 50 Designs
- Colorful spine covers for your teacher binder
- Weekly Lesson Planner - [8 styles]
- One Weekly Lesson Planner for 6-day rotation
- Monthly Calendars - 2 styles – one page and also 2-page layout for your notebook - Calendars from April 2019 to August 2020
- One page daily schedule – at- a-glance
- Number Circles for Class # Assignments
- Monthly Newsletter Templates [just type in your news!]
Forms for Important Information include: [keep these forms in one place and ready to use]
one page daily routine at- a- glance
class roster
student medical information
Individual Student form
IEP student form
Small Group Lesson form
Guided Reading Student Snapshot form
Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Guided Math Lesson Form
Writing Lesson Form
Writing Conference form
Guided Reading Notes (individual student)
Parent Communication Log
Meeting Notes
To Do List
7 recording sheets for grades
Transportation Home List
Emergency Plans - Fire Drill and Lockdown
Seating Charts
Labels for Tables
Codes and Phone Extensions
Website Log-In Form
Behavior Forms - Think Sheet, Action Plan
ØEditable Letters for parent communication: [these letters save time! And they are editable to place YOUR information within the context of the letter]
-Back-to-School Parent Information Letter
-Parent-Teacher Conference Form
-Field Trip Permission Slip
Do You Love Collections?
Do You Love Collections?
Your “Everything, Everything” Editable Teacher Binder is organized [of course] in 7 different collections. This is by design so you can find the pages you need instantly. This is all about being organized and me , helping you, do just that! Make your beautiful “Everything, Everything” Editable Teacher Binder your own style. Everything is here for a simple click, download and print. You may wish to print out your daily schedule or lesson planner on 2 sides… it is the best format to make your notebook. However, these are yours to use in the way that makes you happy!
Teacher Binder Collection 1 - Cover for Teacher Binder, Dividers for Schedule and Forms
Spine covers for your notebook
Teacher Binder Collection 2 - Weekly Lesson Planners, editable and there is also one weekly lesson plan grid that was made for a 6-day rotation if your school were following that type of schedule. These weekly planners spread across your teacher binder. They are fully editable on your computer, but you can also print them out and hand write in the grid as you wish.
Teacher Binder Collection 3 - Curriculum Assessment Forms and Grading Recording sheets.
I personally keep a 2nd teaching binder for my grading forms. Simply type in your class list on the form; then print out. Keep these in your notebook and add grades as you go. Forms include those for student evaluation, guided reading, small group instruction, writing conferences, math groups, IEP information.
Teacher Binder Collection 4 - Classroom Management Forms for behavior, seating charts, labels for tables, number circles, field trips, medical information, codes for copy machine, birthdays, transportation home, emergency procedures meeting notes, and more. Many of these forms are helpful when you have a substitute as it shows important information in one ready-accessible place.
Teacher Binder Collection 5 - Letters to Parents - Back to School letters, field trip permission, parent communication log, schedule summary, letterheads, templates for letter for back-to-school. All of these teaching resource pages are so helpful when starting a new year at school.
Teacher Binder Collection 6 - Calendars – There are 2 Calendar designs - Choices of a calendar with lines at the bottom for notes, or grid style calendar. I insert the month before my weekly lesson plans in that way I have a glance at the entire month and more details in the weekly schedule pages. Here you have the choice of a 1 page calendar or 2 pages that spread across your binder.
Teacher Binder Collection 7 - Monthly Newsletter Templates - Each month you will have a one page newsletter template that you can easily edit and type in your news! Fun clip art can be used, deleted or copied! Keep your parents informed of the valuable and wonderful things that happen in your classroom! and be sure to put a copy in your Principal’s box!
I continue to make more updates and revisions for this teacher binder as I need them and you will receive all the updates --FOR LIFE-- as I create them. You will also find that you have more time when you are organized with an editable teacher binder.
And I am happy to take requests if you really need a specific form for your binder,
I will zip-zap, zap it right over to you. You can email me at or write your request in the feedback.
#2 Back-to-School Pages, Activities and Writing Prompts for the First Week Grades K-2 [21 pages]
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Back to School Pages, Activities, Writing Prompts |
Back-to-School pages, activities
and writing prompts for Grades K-3. These pages will give
your students “get-to-know-you” pages for the first week of school. It will give you the bit of time to acquaint
yourself with your new class.
These pages are suitable for Grades K-3. They are perfect for the first week of school. You will be happy to have these! I place 2 pages on their desks on the first day. They like to settle in and get started. I like to see them happy back at school. These pages give me the time to circle the classroom and say hello to each student, also collect any forms needed, lunch $, and see if we are all in the right classroom. Right next to these pages are brand new crayons, pencil and ruler! Great way to have a terrific first week of school and meet and greet each other. Some of the pages require the students to walk about a bit so choose the pages you like for the very first day. I like having them seated as we can establish a very quiet and organized work environment... which is exactly how I want my students to feel about the upcoming school year!
See the preview of this back-to-school teaching resource here.