100th Day of School

  You can get your 100th Day of School Shirt HERE

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Learn About Martin Luther King, Jr.

 Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.  
You can download a 2-page reading passage HERE
to teach your students about this outstanding person in US History.  This reading passage is appropriate for Grades 2-3 and homeschoolers.  It relates important information and facts in US history about Martin Luther King, Jr. 

 If you are looking for reader response pages and writing prompts to go with your reading about MLK, you can find more HERE

A great springboard for insightful discussions in your classroom.  After reading this quote by MLK, have your students write about what they might be doing to help other people.  Great lesson to teach, and a great lesson to learn early in life.  Living with this giving and caring essence surely will make our world better.

This famous quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. shows tenacity, fortitude and strength in doing what is right to improve yourself.  Another quote for class discussion; and you can easily use this as a writing prompt for MLK day.

Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream.  Most of us have dreams.  What is your dream? Thinking of others and practicing the golden rule.  Great day to teach children that considering friends and classmates  is an admirable way to live.  What do you most admire about Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here are some more writing response pages you might wish to use when celebrating MLK's birthday.

You can find them at MrsQuimbyReads.com .... go to the free resource page.  While you are there, see some other free resources... 

and be sure to look at the 100th Day of School cool 
t-shirt for teachers!  When is your 100th day?