You deserve a Poetry Break Today!
Poetry is a fantastic way to practice fluency and reading aloud to an audience. April is the month we say is National Poetry Month; however a classroom bin of books clearly marked Poetry is delightful to have all year long.
My class has a list of favorite poets and they love when I whisper walk over to the poetry bin. Smiling faces see me flip around the pages for the perfect poem for today. This one is a favorite and it's perfect for Spring.
Quack, Quack!
We have two ducks. One blue. One black.
And when our blue duck goes "Quack-Quack"
our black duck quickly quack-quacks back.
The quacks Blue quacks make her quite a quacker
but Black is a quicker quacker-backer.
And yes, you guessed right! It's by our famous Dr. Seuss. The kids try to remember this one to recite aloud and we have done many activities with just this one poem. Choral read, boys read, one line, girls the next line or alternate with rows. Students learn to read for meaning and reading poetry is a great way to improve reading fluency.