Five Tips for You When Reading Aloud to Preschoolers 1. First and Foremost, find a book you love! If you love the book, the child will hear that love in your voice. I happen to love Gossie, Gertie and Ollie! by Olivier Dunrea. These are great books for Spring! for young readers! for young listeners! Above is the cover of Ollie by Olivier Dunrea. Choosing this book and just viewing the cover starts the reading experience..... so many questions just start to happen... Who is Ollie? Who are those ducks? What are they looking at? What is hiding in the grass? What do you think will happen? and below is the cover of, Gossie and Gertie
now don't you just want to open this book!
it is a time where you break from all those plug-ins and other rippity-rap the day is filled with.... and reading should be relaxing, meaningful and fun!
3. Model how books work. As you read, turn pages slowly and give a pause here and there for your child to think about the story. Point out the illustrations to show that story, words and pictures match. It may be as simple as pointing to a character and telling your child the name of that character. Then move onto the rest of the story. If your child has something to say, listen and move on when he/she is ready. This practice shows 'how books work', looking, reading, listening, turning pages, words arranged from left to right :) reading, in my opinion, is relaxing and calm and not hurry-up noisy!
4. Talk about the story and the characters. Ask questions. This practice shows your child that reading is interactive. It shows that the author wrote and illustrated his/her thoughts and ideas and the reader can add to the story. What character do you like the most? Do you like this book?
What does this book make you think about? Then, sit back and, talk talk!
Sometimes your child might want to draw a picture after reading a book, entirely up to them! Your job is having crayons and paper on hand.
5. Create space, time and love around your book reading habits with your preschooler. It is important that you value books and reading in your home and your child sees that you do. You can have your parent books, too. If your child has a book space or shelf, he will learn that books are a part of the day. If you make time for books and reading, he will engage. If you enjoy the reading activity together, your child will benefit in the reading sense and the family sense. Love books! This does not have to be an expensive adventure, libraries still have cards that allows your child to choose and pick out books. If you cannot afford a book shelf, you can purchase a small tub for $2.49 ( I just bought one) and place books for your child to access easily.
Here are three inexpensive ways to make books available for the young readers in your home.
Wire racks attached to wall at appropriate height for child access |
Until Next Time!